CASE STUDIES: The Ottawa Hospital | Supply Chain Model & Strategic Plan
The Ottawa Hospital
Supply Chain Model & Strategic Plan

The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) was challenged to find more effective and efficient operational models to deliver services. For the Ottawa Hospital the implementation of a new Supply Chain strategic plan and model has been a key to improve the delivery of supply services while achieving operational savings. Logihedron was selected to provide a model that would deliver efficiencies and savings in the Ottawa Hospital’s Supply Chain.
Analysis and Action Taken
Logihedron firmly believes that in order to have an efficient supply chain, the demand point for products and services needs to be addressed first as this is the initialization of all work required in the balance of the supply chain. With that principle in mind, they embarked on implementing their world class Point of Use Supply Optimization Program. This is an extremely comprehensive ten step program that makes the demand point for supplies highly efficient, user friendly and consistent. The variability is minimized hence allowing the balance of the supply chain to service the demand point much more effectively. As the saying goes “the right product, the right amount of product and the right mix of product at the right time in the right place”
The next step was to reconfigure the Store Room to make it efficient and the final step was to analyze and re-set the inventory levels to reflect the new ordering patterns from the re-configured End-User supply areas. A unique feature that we install at the end of our projects is a “Supervisor’s Management Tool Kit”. This provides the supervisor with a series of Q A processes that ensures the sustainability of what was implemented. The Ottawa Hospital took all the steps suggested by Logihedron to help them create their new strategic plan and model for their Supply Chain. Their goal of Supply Services improvement and achievement of operational savings were accomplished and contributed to better a better patent experience.
All the sites underwent the Point of Use Supply optimization Program, and the outlines savings were achieved as per the quote below:
“For The Ottawa Hospital, the implementation of a new Supply Chain strategic plan and model has been a key transformation to improve the delivery of supply services while achieving operational savings. Logihedron has played a key role in the planning and implementation of our new supply chain management model and optimization program, which has saved TOH approximately $500K annually while significantly improving the management of supplies in the organization. I would gladly recommend Logihedron to any hospital or group requiring hospital supply chain solutions. They will find meaningful savings and execute in a professional manner.”
-Cameron Love, Vice President Planning, Support Services and Clinical Programs