Logistics Operations Assessment

- Full site review of current logistics operations practices
- Propose enhanced operational model
- Preparation of model business case
Logistics Consulting
This “full site” assessment is a detailed analysis of all logistics operations such as: inbound activity, inventory management practices, inventory mix review, point-of-use areas review (space, equipment, frequency, staffing levels, storerooms review, etc.).
- Review of current logistics operations practices
- Redesign of available space with layouts
- Supply storage equipment recommendations
- Propose enhanced operational model
- Preparation of model business case
- Ability to implement proposed model
- An efficient, optimized, reduced-cost supply delivery model
- Logihedron’s vast knowledge and experience
- In sync with the organization’s long-term strategy
- Proven practices to ensure users’ satisfaction
- Documented processes including SOPs, KPIs and productivity standards
- $$$$ savings