General Consulting

- Physical space review
- Data analysis
- Process review
Logihedron’s Logistics Consulting service deals with a wide array of subjects. In most instances we focus on studies which provide recommendations on various logistics-related subjects and help your supply chain and logistics team to easily identify and prioritize cost-reduction opportunities without impacting patient care quality.
- Focused services based on requested subject matter
- Detailed analysis of impacted variables
- Proven recommendations to gain efficiency and reduce costs
- Financial analysis provided
- Implementation available if needed
- Documented report provided
- Alleviates workload for management due to streamlining and definition of processes
- Efficiency gains through workload redistribution/reduction
- Increased customer satisfaction
- $$$$ savings
- Storeroom review: configuration & inventory loads
- Inventory management review: inventory levels, mix, excess, obsolete, no-move, etc.
- Point-of-use service: frequency & staffing
- Supply storage areas: configuration, equipment & staffing
- Inbound activity: transportation review (in-house and contracted)